Difference Between Spring and Ball Plungers

Thank you for watching our video about ball and spring plungers. At OneMonroe, we offer a diverse range of ball and spring plungers designed to meet the specific needs of various applications. Choosing the right plunger is crucial for the success of your project, and our team is here to assist you in finding the best fit. In this article, we will guide you through the qualities of ball plungers, spring plungers, how they work, their components, and the key differences between them.

What Is a Ball Plunger?

A ball plunger is a versatile component known for its:

  • Compact Design: Ball plungers are relatively small and ideal for applications with limited space.
  • Precision: They offer precise and repeatable positioning, making them suitable for applications that require accuracy.
  • Ball Mechanism: Ball plungers utilize a small ball bearing that can be depressed into a housing or withdrawn, providing both detent and indexing functions.

What Is a Spring Plunger?

A spring plunger, also known as a spring-loaded plunger or spring-loaded pin, is recognized for its:

  • Spring Mechanism: Spring plungers feature a spring-loaded pin that can be manually depressed or extended. The spring force provides tension and resistance.
  • Versatility: They are versatile components suitable for applications where temporary positioning, indexing, or holding is required.
  • Simple Operation: Spring plungers are easy to operate, making them user-friendly in various settings.

How Do Ball and Spring Plungers Work?

Both ball and spring plungers operate based on the principle of utilizing mechanical force to achieve specific actions. Ball plungers use a small ball bearing to create detents and indexing positions, while spring plungers employ a spring-loaded pin to provide tension and resistance when engaged or disengaged.

Components of Ball and Spring Plungers

Ball and spring plungers typically consist of the following components:

  • Body: The body houses the internal components and provides the structure for the plunger.
  • Ball or Pin: Ball plungers have a small ball bearing, while spring plungers feature a spring-loaded pin that extends or retracts.
  • Spring: Springs are integral to spring plungers and provide the necessary force for their operation.
  • Thread: Many plungers have threads for easy installation and adjustment.

Differences Between Spring and Ball Plungers

The main differences between spring and ball plungers lie in their mechanisms and applications:

  • Mechanism: Ball plungers use a ball bearing for indexing, while spring plungers use a spring-loaded pin for tension and resistance.
  • Applications: Ball plungers are ideal for precise positioning, while spring plungers are versatile for holding, indexing, and temporary positioning.


Ball and spring plungers are valuable components in various applications, each offering unique qualities and benefits. OneMonroe's comprehensive range of plungers ensures that you can find the perfect solution for your project. Contact us today to explore our ball and spring plunger options and discover how we can assist you in achieving your application's goals.