How Does a Gas Spring Work

Gas springs are a fascinating mechanical wonder that have found their way into various industries, from automotive to aerospace. If you're curious about what gas springs are, how they function, and where they're applied, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the world of gas springs, shedding light on their inner workings, diverse applications, and why you should consider OneMonroe for your gas spring needs.

What is a Gas Spring?

Gas springs, also known as gas struts or gas shocks, are devices designed to provide controlled linear motion using the force of compressed gas. They consist of a cylinder, a piston, and a pressurized gas, typically nitrogen. When you apply force to the piston, it compresses the gas, creating a resistance that allows for smooth, controlled movement.

How Do Gas Springs Work?

The operation of gas springs is a testament to simplicity and efficiency. When you exert force on the piston rod, it pushes the piston into the cylinder, compressing the gas inside. This compression generates a resistive force proportional to the applied force. When the force is removed, the stored energy in the compressed gas pushes the piston back to its original position, thus creating a lifting or dampening effect.

Gas Springs in Cars

One of the most common applications of gas springs is in the automotive industry. You've likely encountered gas springs in the trunk of your car or the hoods of SUVs. They play a crucial role in providing effortless support for heavy parts like these, making it easier to access and secure cargo. Gas springs also contribute to the smooth operation of tailgates and hatches.

Gas Springs in Furniture

Gas springs have revolutionized the world of furniture design. From office chairs that adjust to your preferred height to the gentle opening and closing of cabinet doors, gas springs enhance comfort and convenience. In recliners, they enable smooth adjustments to find that perfect lounging position. The technology behind gas springs is responsible for the seamless motion in adjustable beds and kitchen cabinets.

Gas Springs in Airplanes

The aerospace industry relies on precision and reliability, and gas springs deliver on both fronts. In aircraft, gas springs are employed for numerous purposes, including ensuring the correct positioning of flaps, stabilizing landing gear, and assisting with cargo loading and unloading. Their ability to provide controlled motion in extreme conditions makes them indispensable in aviation.

What Are Gas Springs Used For?

Gas springs find applications in a wide range of industries due to their versatility and efficiency. Here are some common uses:

  • Automotive: Trunk and hood supports, tailgate lifts, and convertible roof mechanisms.
  • Furniture: Office chairs, recliners, cabinet doors, and adjustable beds.
  • Aerospace: Flap deployment, landing gear stabilization, and cargo handling.
  • Marine: Boat hatches and compartments.
  • Medical: Hospital beds and equipment.
  • Industrial: Machinery covers and access panels.

Gas Spring Applications

Gas springs are a vital component in many everyday products and industries, offering improved functionality and safety. Whether you're enjoying the convenience of your car's trunk opening effortlessly or reclining in your favorite office chair, gas springs play a silent but crucial role.


In conclusion, gas springs are remarkable devices that simplify our lives in ways we often overlook. Their adaptability and effectiveness have made them indispensable in various sectors, from automotive to aerospace. If you're in search of high-quality gas springs that meet your specific needs, look no further than OneMonroe. Contact one of our Sales Engineers today, and discover how we can elevate your projects with the power of gas springs.

So, whether you're working on your car, relaxing in your favorite chair, or traveling on an airplane, take a moment to appreciate the unsung hero – the gas spring – making it all possible.